Frequently Asked Questions

What is articulation?

Articulation is the process of evaluating courses to determine whether a particular course offered at Santa Rosa Junior College is comparable to, or acceptable in lieu of, a corresponding course at a particular accredited college or university.


What do you mean by Articulation Agreement?

Each university system has its own program requirements. These requirements vary with the student's intended major. An articulation agreement is an agreement with a four-year institution that specifies which SRJC classes may be transferred to meet general education, elective, or major requirements. The purpose of articulation is to facilitate the successful transfer of students from the community colleges to the baccalaureate colleges and universities. 


What are the types of Articulation Agreements?

Course to Course Agreements
General Education
CSU General Education-Breadth
Transferable Course Agreements
Transfer Admissions Agreements
Used to determine if a specific course taken at one college will satisfy a requirement at another college.CSU & UC General Education Breadth agreements indicate those courses that a student can complete at SRJC to satisfy the general education requirements at the transfer campus.Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum is a general education program, which community college students can use to satisfy lower-division general education requirements at any CSU or UC campus. *Please note: IGETC is not recommended for some majors on UC Campuses. Please speak with a counselor about your major and target UC campuses.Describes courses that students may take to fulfill the lower division GE requirements for a four year college or university.Major Preparation agreements specify courses that meet the lower division major requirements for a four-year college or university. University of California Office of the President Transfer Course Agreement is a listing of courses accepted by the University of California.TAA is a formal, written agreement that guarantees transfer admission to students who meet certain requirements for course completion and grade point average.

How can I learn more about Articulation Agreements?

SRJC maintains written articulation or course agreements with many transfer colleges and universities. These agreements are approved by the faculty and specify how courses will be accepted at the transfer institution. Students who wish to transfer need to become familiar with the articulation agreements.

A student working closely with a counselor should be able to complete the lower division, or first two years, of a bachelor degree program at SRJC and transfer at the junior level. If any student experiences difficulty with the transfer courses from Santa Rosa Junior College, they should call the Transfer Center at 707-527-4874